Little Pika 2.0

Welcome to the Little Pika 2.0 Docs!

Getting Started

First we need to add the Bot to a Server! You can use this Link. CLICK ME

If you need help doing that i recommend this Tutorial: CLICK ME

Configure the Bot

The Bot has many functions that you can configure how you like it!

To configure the Welcome Message use:

 p*weebgreetings <enable|disable> <channel>

To configure the Level Messages use:

p*levelup <enable/disable>

To configure the Social Economy use:

p*social <enable/disable>

To configure the server-wide Prefixes use:

p*prefix [prefix|reset]

To configure the user-wide Prefixes use:

p*userprefix <add|remove|list:default> <prefix>

To see your server configuration use:


To see your user configuration use:


Thats it for now!


Last updated